Thursday, November 25, 2010

Learning Bank #2 TECHNOLOGY:BOON or BANE?

                                    -For me, I will choose is a boon because technology nowadays are so important to us,we can easily do our work in easy way by using our new technology.and we are lessen our time of doing some research by searching in a computer in easy way by typing it a question simply.and i learned so much in our new technology that god we give us.It helps me a lot specially in doing my assignments and projects. Aside from its less time consuming, it helps me to be able to do it easily. I'd rather go to the internet to research than to go to the library. Afterall, all that is written there in the book is found at the internet, just one click and you will find all the data you need. Technology also helps me in communicating to my distant friends, my classmates in high school, as well as my teachers. In a way it helps me to know how are they doing. They're so far yet w/ technology seems like they are so near..     

Monday, November 22, 2010


 1).Meaning of educational technology?
                   -Educational Technology is a complex integrated process involving people, procedures, ideas, devices, and organization for analyzing problems and devising ,evaluating, and managing solutions to those problems in all aspects of human learning.

2).Learning of Educational technology?
                     -Educational Technology is all about the ways on how technology is being used for us to be more progressive. It is also about on discussing the advantages and disadvantages of technology in human life. It is also tackle about the different point of views, namely  traditional and constructivist point of views. it showed the cone of experience, evaluate instructional material and it also tackle teaching with contrived experience, with the dramatized experience.